Wow! It's been seven months already since i moved to Taichung, amazing, incredible, really! If you ask me like Taichung or not? Honestly, I don't know because when I moved to Taichung I was broke I hove no choice I got to move here. No, I shouldn't say that. I could stay in Taipei to fix my debt with my husband I mean I could work hard to pay for it. But I choose to move here because I can also help my son to take care of my granddaughter- Zoe -she is one year old now.
What Taichung looks like?
Taichung is a place that you hove to go slowly otherwise you might get a car accident or someone might bump you suddenly because people here don't follow the traffic light. When you go across the street please turn your head right and left to make sure no car/motorcycle is coming even you are at the right side.
Taichung is a place that people don't know what courtesy is, even in the big chain store like 7-11 after you paid the things you bought they are shy to say thank you. Oh, they are not used to line up, ether. If you want to buy or get something believe me you have to grab it like child dying for candy.
Taichung is a place that people around you like to gossip the way they show you how friendly the Taichungness is to ask your family stuffs and money stuffs even your boy/girl friend's family get involved, you don't have any privacy here.
Don't ask me why I still want to stay here in Taichung because the answer is giving to you in the beginning of the article.